eComchain is Cloud-based eCommerce platform hosted on AWS. Its unique offering is its B2B2C model, first of its kind for Businesses with a network of Distributors / Dealers and end Consumers for various verticals of the business.
With eComchain, a business can reach out to a network of dealers and distributors on the eComchain's B2B eCommece platform. These network of dealers and distributors can in turn reach out to their end consumers through their branded specialized sites on the same eComchain platform hosted by the business. Our current clientele includes largest mattress manufacturing companies around the globe, steel building manufacturers, nationally known garage door manufacturers, organization that sells protective gears to US Defence and Federal organizations.
- Branding
- Cloud Consulting & SI
- ERP Consulting and SI
- IT Strategy Consulting
- Search Engine Optimization
- UX/UI Design
- Web Design
- Digital Strategy