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StartupBug is an independent and registered software development and production firm headquartered in New York, USA. In the field of articulate and smart business software creation, our group has backed up 12+ years of professional experience and client satisfaction nationwide as well as globally.
Staying and thriving in a world of relentless competition is no child’s play. Getting to the depth of customer needs and being right in their shoes has been our working philosophy since our firm’s very onset. The software market as of today presents higher levels of technical and inventive scenarios whereby these programs require extreme care and an innovative mindset. Only a professionally sound agency like ours is able to cope with such matters that pose maximum functionality and higher ROI.
At StartupBug, the range of software solutions that we provide in a sparkling form is quite extensive. With our corporate-level services, our clients are in for an experience of a lifetime that would stay fresh in their memories for times to come. What else, your visitors, your clients, your audience as a whole are guaranteed the absolute smoothness and ease with which they would be served and entertained.


  • Custom Software Development
  • Branding
  • Business Consulting
  • Graphic Design
  • Pay Per Click
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Video Production
  • Web Design


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Year Founded

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447 Broadway, 2nd FL #519, 2nd FL #519

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