The McCabe Group, Inc.
The McCabe Group is a full-service advertising, direct marketing, strategic planning and public relations agency specializing in brand development, emerging media platforms, web-based design/coding and integrated media predominately for business-to-business and service industries.
BRANDING: we help you identify and interact with your customers/prospects
GRAPHIC DESIGN/PHOTOGRAPHY: in every aspect including digital, packaging and animation
COPYWRITING: technical, conversational, web-based, brand-centric
MEDIA: print, B-2-B, B-2-C, digital, social, intuitive, contract negotiations/billing
EMERGING PLATFORMS: web design, cloud computing, mobile apps, social, visual, code writing, cyber security, conversions from web/catalogs to smart phone technologies
INDUSTRIAL DESIGN/3-D MODELING: development of industrial products from inception through completion combining innovation with invention
LANGUAGE TRANSLATION: over 100 languages specializing in medical/life sciences, technical/engineering, legal, petroleum/mining, and advertising/marketing
CENTER STAGE PRODUCTIONS: includes live theater, set design, script writing, AV, meeting planning and off-site events
VIDEOS/VIDEOCONFERENCING/ TELECONFERENCING: script writing, graphics, implementation
PRINTING/MERCHANDISING: includes global resourcing to get you the most cost effective and highest quality end products
- Advertising
- Translation
- Event Marketing & Planning
- Marketing Strategy
- Digital Strategy
- Mobile App Development
- Search Engine Optimization
- Web Development